ケンジントン英会話ニュース - コロナウイルス対策とスカイプレッスンについて|六本松校「ケンジントン英会話」のブログ



ケンジントン英会話ニュース - コロナウイルス対策とスカイプレッスンについて

ケンジントン英会話ニュース - Corona Virus and Skype

Hello there everyone,

As I’m sure some of you may have noticed, the CoronaVirus has been on  the news the last few weeks. First of all, at the time speaking it’s very important to stress that any danger from it whilst in Fukuoka is almost non-existent. There have been a total of 3 cases of it in our city so we want to assure everyone that classes (and life) at all of our schools will continue as normal. 

Of course for the sake of prevention and public safety, Kensington Eikaiwa is going to make sure that we

1)Clean all tables, doorknobs and common surfaces every day with disinfectant. 

2)Always make sure to air our schools in the morning and between classes

Also, since the public schools have closed earlier than usual and some of you might find it hard to take your lessons in March we are going to take the steps outlined below

Group Lesson Students

1)Normally as you know you aren’t able to transfer your untaken group classes to the next month but only for March, if you really have difficulty coming to class, please feel free to take your untaken March group classes anytime this year. Please remember that you can only take these untaken classes on top of your usual 4 classes per month.

Private Lesson Students

1)Private students can anyway keep up to 4 untaken classes and take them at a different time, but we are also going to start offering Skype classes in March.

2)For the time being the Skype lessons needs to be scheduled by the previous day at 17:00 (Monday reservations by Saturday at 15:00 please) 

3)Please keep in mind that for the time being, face to face lessons can’t be changed to Skype lessons on the same day. (This is going to be a future service but we can’t yet offer it now)

4)For the time being Private Skype classes will be 40 minutes instead of the usual 50. This is for set up time and for the teachers to get used to the system.

5)We will work on how to make the system better for you over the coming month and if it is successful then we are going to be offering it as a new part of our school’s regular service.

What we’d kindly like to ask from you is

1)Please feel free to wear masks in the lessons if you’d like

2)Please make sure to wash hands before entering and after leaving our classrooms (Have your own towel ready for better protection!)

3)Please don’t come to the school if you have even mild cold  symptoms (Sore Throat, cough, fever)

4)Please kindly understand that you can’t cancel a class on the same day and take it on a different date 

5)Please be understanding of some initial technical trouble with skype, it’s a new service and there may be some trouble

We continually re-evaluate these actions to match current conditions so if there are changes we’ll make sure to update you through line@. We are super excited to be adding Skype classes to our service and hope it’s going to add even more value to your classes!!!

See you in class!


ケンジントン英会話ニュース - コロナウイルス対策とスカイプレッスンについて





















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